In all cultures worshiping a Supreme Being, it is implicit in that supremacy that He must be all things to begin with in order to create any individual things. Being all he must incorporate both masculine and feminine character. Thus the Yang and Yin of the Chinese (the symbol chosen for FPE) symbolized by the Monad repre- sented a totaliy in the circle which was divided into the two intertwining masculine and feminine, yang and yin portions. Thought of in this way, the Saying of Jesus quoted on our inside cover is equivalent to indicating that we can enter the Kingdom when we become God-like that is when we cease being divided beings and combine all noble human qualities in one individual.
Philosophically the matter may be easier to grasp, The ancient Chinese and Japanese philosophers thought of the world as being divided primarily into beaven and earth the two polarities of nature. Man was always in be- tween. Nothing could be created except by our inter-- action of heaven and earth. They proceeded further to examine mankind and found that he exibited two polar- ities which co uld be represented and thought of as Wisdom and Beauty: And nothing worthy could be created except by the interaction of these two. Masculinity and feminity male and female are obvious polarities and only through their union can other living things be created.
Nature herself is always in balance, in harmony, not in conflict. Her polarities are turned toward each other to fortify and fructify each other unfortunately where Nature tends towards unity man has created diversity which is to say the two polarities of our nature are in opposition to each other, not in a composition with each other. Man in his search for knowledge and information with which to handle his enviroment has indulged in a vast amount of classification and comparison which is all right up to a point, but comparison promotes diversity and separateness and not unity thus further driving apart these forces which should be working together.
The great psychological investigator Carl Jung in- vented the terms Animus and Anima for the two polar- ities which the Oriental philosophers termed Wisdom and Beauty. He taught that in every male there was a femi- nine aspect to his psyche which he termed the "Anima"